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Subbit creates pages of user generated and user ranked posts about events going on near subway stops, essentially creating a social network of off the radar events in NYC.
A place where you can shorten the url for the given website.
A Google Chrome Extension that Replaces a new chrome tab with a random Yoruba proverb with it's interpretation and meaning.
Login with Facebook and Google with Angular 8 for client-side and ASP.NET CORE 3.1 as Server-side.
A Coronavirus (COVID-19) monitoring system
A web application promoting accurate COVID-19 guidelines and logging user health and wellness during the pandemic
A help-bot who can introduce the people who need help to the people who are willing to offer assistance.
For Additional sites
This package allows you to match page-specific id (psid) with user's real id (id starts with 1000...) from webhook events.
Simple contact app for Dinosaures
Predict gender base on a person's name, using tensorflow
Source code of Chatbot CNH, a chatbot that connects strangers
Miniature camera for dietary documentation
JavaScript layout and representation of connected graphs.
Men's Custom Tweed Suit Mobile Tailor
Daily Life Planner/Tracker for those with disabilities.
Corona Symptom Check, Nachbarschaftshilfe, Ärzte Vermittlung
Wir vernetzen Schüler*innen mit Student*innen für kostenfreie digitale Lernunterstützung
Enable health authorities to steer active and passive immunization, monitor infected groups and track immunization in the society based on digital biomakers
To make social distancing easier, we build a game to connect people while staying at home.
Replace your new tab page with positive and uplifting news regarding the corona pandemic.
Eine Initiative, die menschliche Verbundenheit im Alltag stärkt, spürbar und sichtbar macht. Durch analoge und digitale Aktionen sowie Impulse schaffen wir ein Gefühl von menschlicher Nähe.
Our repository for the German WirVsVirus hackathon. We implemented a simulation of a pandemic which is able to show how certain parameters affect the spread and impact of a virus.
Peolpe can offer/request support during emergencies