
Hosted as well at

to run locally, run server on port 4000

rails s -p 4000

to create database locally (sqlite3):

rails db:reset rails db:migrate rails db:seed

Next Steps

  • add more stops after a userbase is grown

  • show posts in order of most votes (done)

  • connect to a location API to include location at stops (done)

  • Also to provide location to users

  • Comments on posts (done)

  • Messaging between users

  • Sort posts by tags

  • send a user sign up email (done)

  • search for a post

What is Subbit?

Lost in New York?

Ever step out of a subway station and don't know what to do?

Go on subbit and search the feed for any subway station filled with user generated posts of whats going on.

Vote for your favorites!

Good posts get upvoted to the top of the page and bad posts sink down to the bottom, allowing for a fully user oriented experience to discover more about your neighborhood or a new stop.

Post about anything!

  • Pop up store by Prince St R? Yup.
  • Cheap taco truck by King's Point B in Brooklyn? Got it.
  • Those Joker Steps everyone wants to see for some reason off 167 St 4,B,D in the Bronx? Sure thing, but try some of the amazing food near by instead!.
  • Really fat squirrel hanging out at Main St 7 in Queens? Why not?
  • Never been to Staten Island? Check it out on Subbit!

currently, only opening up 4 stops on the full site

there are 500 stops in nyc and that is overwhelming right now, so only 4 will be open, future stops will open soon!

Built by Fernando Pascual after spending a lot of time going to new subway stops and being overwhelemed by not knowing what to do. Now you can just hop on subbit when you hop off the train and see the top things going on near by as voted by the people of NYC!

Any advice, bugs, or feedback? Let me know!

This is still very much a work in progress, so would love to know features to add!

Future plans:

  • Comments on posts
  • Subway stop live chat feed
  • Direct messaging between users
  • Better maps integration and directions # Contact:
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