58_ Projekt nicht gelistet
In the response to the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), health authorities released standards for the national readiness and preparedness. According to the recommendations of the WHO, countries need to immediately activate the highest level of national Response Management. Government and healthcare providers need the technical infrastructure to keep up with the requirements. What if we could use technology to enable a prevention, treatment monitoring and corona lifecycle management based on real-time health data and shift Corona Treatment from reactive to proactive? We believe: Modern technology, digital biomarkers and data should help to keep up with guidelines and enable healthcare authorities to effectively track the disease.
What it does
202xHealth Labs is developing a Healthcare Intelligence Software based on digital biomarkers, which could be separated into the following functions:
- Corona Patient Journey Tracking based on a self test: Enables patients to self-test their corona symptoms and track their own patient journey based on everyday technology and approved digital biomarkers,
- Corona Monitoring Board for health authorities and medical professionals: Enables health authorities and medical professionals to save time and infection risks while monitoring the medical conditions of their homecare patients based on self-evaluations and digital biomarkers,
- Corona Lifecycle Management: Enables health authorities to steer active and passive immunization, monitor infected groups, track immunization in the society and open doors to those who are not infectious anymore based on digital biomakers
How I built it
Nearly one week ago I felt overwhelmed with all the negative news regarding the spread of COVID-19 epidemically all over the world. On the other side, healthcare technology & innovation has been changing the way we identify coronavirus symptoms, find new treatments and monitor the spread - but little did we know about the positive change that was and still is going on. I wanted to build up a "bubble of tech and innovation-driven positivity" and published a Crowdstorming List on LinkedIn, where I collected new tech solutions fighting corona, inspiring thoughts, funding opportunities and toolkits & projects for COVID-19 innovators.
The list went viral and in the shortest possible time my inbox was filled with people who, like me, wanted to be part of the solution. We brainstormed ideas, researched the market, formed a multidisciplinary team (https://www.202xhealth.com) and started a micro-hackathon during the last week. We are a 12-person project group of software developers, data scientists, product managers, seasoned entrepreneurs, Silicon Valley trained venture builders, industry experts and scientists/doctors and are working on a Healthcare Intelligence Software based on digital biomarkers for authorities/clinics in the fight against corona since 7 days.
Challenges I ran into
There are currently countless smart ideas tackling corona above and beyond the hackathon. But oftentimes the solutions lack industry experience, a deep understanding of "real world" problems and/or a deep understanding of the barriers that clinics/authorities are currently facing. We are at an early stage in the customer development process and are looking for getting in contact with authorities/clinics which is in these time quite challenging. We have activated our broad network, and feedback is coming in so far - but we have no time to lose and wanna speed up Customer Development. If you have any tips, I would be happy to hear from you.
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
- Formed a multidisciplinary team,
- Build up an excellent advisory board,
- Created a product development roadmap,
- Build up solid fundament of Code.
What I learned
- Product Management is even more challenging when interacting with scientists, entrepreneurs and technical people ;-)
What's next for Healthcare Inteligence Software based on digital biomarkers
Our full focus will be working towards "Product-Market-Fit" until Wednesday while working on the development side: We need to make 100% sure to build a solution the market needs.
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