
Our repository for the German WirVsVirus hackathon.

To install this, run

$ git clone https://github.com/miltfra/wirvsvirus.git

To follow the rest of the instructions cd into the directory:

$ cd wirvsvirus


This project include two parts.

  1. PANSIM - A simulation that provides data on a theoretical development of a pandemic.
  2. PANVIS - A visualizer for the data on the development of a pandamic.

Backend (PANdemic SIMulation)

Author: Franz Miltz

The recommended backend was written in Rust. You can find it in src/pansim.


  • Rust
  • Python (Pandas)


To run the simulation, do the following:

$ cd src/pansim
$ cargo run --release Config.toml

Or alternatively, you can use the run.sh script to run the project and generate visualizations that may then be founnd in the output/ folder, next to the .csv-file. All the output files are named with a time stamp.

You can change the settings in src/pansim/Config.toml to your liking but all settings must be included.


  • efficient simulation of more than 10 million people
  • full customizability through Config.toml
  • social structure through groups (households, districts, cities) levels of connectedness
  • random relations between people in households
  • health system with capacity per city
  • lethality based on treatment
  • spread based on quarantine


  • based on no scientificly researched model
  • simulation of every single person is unfeasible, therefore some abstractions are being made
  • data for lethality, effectivity of treatment and mobility between social groups is unknown and undeterminable


  • cross-city transfers
  • behaviour changes
  • quarantine
  • health service
  • apparent statistics

Frontend (PANdemic VISualization)

Author: Richard Schiemenz

The frontend was written in Javascript using Electron.

You can find it in src/panvis. To run it, do the following:

$ cd src/panvis
$ npm install
$ npm start

The file visualized can be found in src/panvis/data.csv. It can be exchanged to visualize differend developments of the virus.

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