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Die Übermittlungs-Kapazitäten der Gesundheitsämter sind überlastet, da die Melden-Daten manuell in die Software eingepflegt werden. Lösung: Einpflegung der Melden-Daten durch Künstliche Intelligenz.
Wir entwickeln ein Vorhersagemodel für Patientenzahlen auf Intensivstationen, um die Verteilung von medizinischen Ressourcen auf regionaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene zu verbessern.
Mit Hilfe von AI bauen wir ein google-maps für Sprache. Mit eigenen Bildern kann man sich seinen Vokabelschatz als Bild-Landkarte zusammenbauen.
WE PROVIDE: Innovative Access to Opportunities - To help navigating through complex and vast amounts of data! Fast Data Filtering and Selection - To find what you need within less than ten questions!
Support doctors diagnosis using AI.
Visualize the current corona-outbreak in our area, region or country and simulate its spread in the nearest futures based on parameters that can potentially stem it.
Um als VfB einen Beitrag zur Corona-Krise zu leisten und #stayhome zu unterstützen haben wir eine mobile App entwickelt, die es ermöglicht virtuell gemeinsam Sport- & eSport-Challenges zu absolvieren.
Our global waste production is predicted to rise by 70 per cent by 2050 and one of the basic issues with this is waste segregation. This project automates this process using Machine Learning.
UnMask is a Deepfake detection app that identifies videos with facial or voice manipulations.
DocBot is an AI Doctor that can diagnose and prescribe treatments through telecommunication including Facebook Messaging. Trained using a PyTorch Generative Seq2Seq Chatbot
I want to build a pytorch model for analyzing Facebook post
Recognition of hand gestures in 3D space using a single low-resolution camera for converting American Sign Language into any spoken language
Library providing Keras-like shape inference for all PyTorch & additional SoTA layers + Minimialistic tool for PyTorch's models deployment on AWS Lambda
Pytorch implementation for Enhancing Audio Resolution (Upsampling) using AudioUnet Model [ Kuleshov et. al. 2017 ]
We let people Tweet a bit of information they want to check if it's a false information at our bot and our ML-trained bot will reply the probability of it being false information.
What if we used Edge Analytics on a dashcam to map out where potholes were, so that local governments and communities knew where to focus their efforts?
Intelligent Image Compressor
ATRIS is driven by the goal of adding value to human conversation.People discuss numerous things in a discussion,it may involve task allotment, mentions key entities,dates & various other components.
A complete steel surface defect classification and detection tasks aim to achieve the specific class and precise location of each defect in the steel plate.
Drowsiness and atention monitor for driving. Also detects objects at the blind spot via Pytorch-powered Computer Vision and the NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
An image and text processing artifical intelligence PyTorch project to detect relevant content/ads for appropriate Facebook groups. Applies sentiment analysis, neural networks, and datasets.
Baby Vibes classifies Baby's mood using Image classification/deep learning and plays "Tom and Jerry to make them smile" . After all, we all love "Tom and Jerry" and happy babies, don't we !!!
In efforts to aid in the process of finding a cure to deadly diseases (such as covid19). I combined architectures that can generate drug like molecules that are in theory 100% valid molecules.
A project to detect accidents on video live stream and alert emergency response team to help rescue victims and save lives.