
During the crisis online shopping is significantly growing all over the world. Competition for the clients is getting tougher and current sales channels are overloaded. Nowadays opening an online shop is easy but maintaining and the operational costs are often forgotten. Online shopping process hasn’t changed for a decade. The lack of accessibility contributes to the exclusion or partial exclusion of many people from society. Making online shopping more accessible results in an overall better user experience for everyone.

What it does

Platform will provide tools for the SME's to apply a voice technology into their current business model. Now dubbed as the ‘fourth sales channel.

How I built it

We are going to integrate AI API'S and develop a platform with multiple micro-services. System MVP will consist of back-end & front-end modules, API's, SME and the customer modules.

Challenges I ran into

  • Making AI tools available for a wider range of SME's.
  • Finding the right approach and markets.
  • Make online shopping experience more accessible for everyone on earth.

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