
Our project is going to be an early assessment tool for #covid19
We want to relieve critical organs, when it comes to symptom assessment.
We are also looking forward to raise awareness for #SocialDistancing with our built-in usable Heatmap!

We are coding COVI!

Design & Brand

"The emblem consists of two lungs. One lung contains neurologic compounds (abstract) to symbolize the intelligence behind the personal chatbot COVI.
COVI can thus serve as the basis for an AI consultant app around the topic of #covid19"

What it does

Collection of symptom data, analysis of symptom data depending on the place of residence
transmission of symptom data to the Robert-Koch Institut via API

How we built it

  • NuxtJS - Frontend
  • Django + PostgreSQL - Backend

What we're proud of

  • COVI Identity & Design
  • Ansible Deployment
  • Our awesome API
  • The Postgres behind it
  • Our team. We were strangers at first! :)

Challenges we ran into

  • Our team was not existant until saturday of the Hackathon.
    We have found each other via social media & the #WirVsVirus Slack.
  • Coordination was a struggle at the beginning.
  • Microphone quality :D

What's next for COVI

  • Time axis for heatmap feature
  • We want to collect geographic data on illness symptomas. With data, you can do a lot! We're hoping to provide useful data for the Robert Koch-Institut
  • We are also looking forward to merge Data from the RKI to our heatmap function
  • User will get a recommendation: "Get treated" + "Recently there have been X many reports from your area" + Information material from the RKI

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