SnatchBot was founded in 2015 by Henri and myself, two entrepreneurial brothers who have thrived in the telecoms industry for more than a decade. Based in Herzliya Pituach(Israël), SnatchBot provides access to sophisticated, natural-language conversational bots with highly engaging user experiences and lifelike conversational interactions across all communication channels.
SnatchBot is an intelligent bot and communication platform with a single message based interface with no coding skills required. With our omni-channel platform, SnatchBot’s tools support the entire lifecycle of a bot, from developing and testing to deploying, publishing, hosting, tracking and monitoring and include NLP, ML and voice recognition. The platform provides robust administrative features, scalable and enterprise-grade security that comply with all regulatory mandates.
The SnatchBot platform was officially launched in May 2017 and since then we have had more than 80000 accounts using the platform (75 000 active bots) with worldwide companies as clients and more than 80 Million end users using our chatbots. We have 4000 new registrations on a monthly basis. Geographically speaking, our main market is the US, India, Europe and Asia. The company has 48 employees, Out of this 48, 40 are dedicated to R&D and Dev. Today, our company is profitable unlike our peers.
SnatchBot works with small to world-leading companies that wish to digitize their customers’ experience so they can provide a powerful way to meet consumers’ expectations and turn the traditional transaction into a two-way interaction. We cover 12 verticals such as education, IT, e-commerce, healthcare, finance, customer service, IoT, hospitality, brands, airline, insurance and government.
70% of our customers are businesses (such as ERG (commodity), Allianz (insurance), Shire (pharmaceutical), Interactive Energy AG (commodity), OpenAX (money transfer) and universities such as Berkeley, Arkansas, Temasek Polytechnic to name just a few. 30% are private including artists and politics that wish to have their own bot.
SnatchBot is transforming how companies do business, manage customer relationships and stimulate the ideas and creativity that fuel ground-breaking innovation. Companies enhance their customer experience leading to cost savings, influencing sales, boosting operations, increase customer engagement, Generating insights and Enhancement in productivity.
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