
As we know India is under lockdown and government is trying to control prices but due to so many platforms/companies its very defiult to do so. So i thought why not create a centralizd system with all these companies(swiggy, bigbasket etc..) under one platform, using this we can achieve 2 things. one is goverment can moniter the pricing of all essential items and second a very quick response to the customer who are ordering and need of essential item.

What it does

In summerized way access are divided in 3 parts : 1) One Acess to government / montiering team which will include/introduce all the essential items in platform and will assign the pricing accordingly. 2) One Access for delivery platforms/companies who has two jobs, one to update the stock of essential items and second
to deliver it to user 3) User Access : people can order the essential items

How I built it

------ TBD --------

Points to consider

-- Payment gateways -- Challange is to update and trakking of stock as many people will be using the platform (user orders, company stocks updates) -- Delivery Tracking -- Bad items return

Next Steps

-- Get it poc

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