People are spending hours on hold while others are being disconnected as they try unsuccessfully to get through to Healthline for medical advice. A large number of the calls being received are from people wanting general information about coronavirus, which means people needing clinical advice are waiting longer.
What it does
We implement at least simple AI voice bot that will separate the calls wanting general information about coronavirus from calls needing clinical advice. 1st group will get the prerecorded information. 2nd group will be forwarded to the experts.
How we built it
We use Amazon Connect for building IVR separating general calls from those that need clinical advice, AWS and Google API for NLP tasks.
Challenges we ran into
We've built and implemented a speech analytics solution at NeoSound Intelligence.
Accomplishments that we're proud of - our AI-powered speech analytics solutions
What we learned
There are clear country and cultural specifics that affects the quality of speech to text analysis. However there are also call the company centre software specifics that may affect the quality of phone conversation that might affect the accuracy of speech to text. We have a few approaches to address that issue.
What's next for NeoSound Hack Corona
Get access to the hospital call centre environment. Collect necessary keywords and phrases related to the subject.
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