
Just want to help people stay safe and not face problems finding daily needs items

What it does

you can search for shops nearby on our platform linq nearby you and then directly talk to the owner and inquire about availability of items you need and then pay online as well using upi or paytm etc and then reduce your time spent outside for searching the items we need

How we built it

We already had a directory/database of hyperlocal shops throghout the country, we just put all this data in a elastic search so that people can search things they need nearby

Challenges we ran into

creating the database of hyperlocal shops because those people are generally not tech aware so their listings were not available on google

Accomplishments that we're proud of

we have all kinds of your everyday nearby shops owners from your chemist to fruit vendor to electrician, and those guys are aware of we listing them and then they have provided their online payment details as well

What we learned

categorizing and organising raw information in a structured manner so that it can be forged into something usable

What's next for Nearby Essential services

To help shopowners connect with the higher ups in the supply chain so they also know where info from when they run out of stocks

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