The Lilius team was inspired to get started on a project after reading Doctor Daniel M Horn's piece in The New York Times. He made a plea to the tech community to help hospitals share vital information in an effort to direct supplies properly. He highlights the US government's hesitation to assist hospitals in getting vital supplies.

LiliusMed allows hospitals to create an account and insert data points such as: ICU bed availability, Ventilator availability, PPE supply, Staff working, wait times, as well as supplies that they're in need of. All this is stored in a database and viewable by the public. Our current goals during the hackathon is to create data models and potentially use machine learning to predict hot spots in need of resources. As well as using data provided by the hospital to allocate donations and direct them to the proper hospitals and communities.

Version 1 of LiliusMed is currently live at Https:// We are still hard at work to finish our roadmap as soon as possible

We are currently in need of UX/UI developer for a redesign as well as developers to assist in handling and presenting the data.

Additionally we have developed an app that provides a directory to wellness providers, shelters, food banks, soup kitchens, and even initiatives such as meals on wheels.

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