At the moment the situation with the coronavirus is serious and we have to follow the orders of the state as much as possible. With Homewins we support the call "Stay-Home" with a gamification approach. While many people are taking this call seriously, there are still those who may not yet follow the call. We assume that this target group consists to a large extent of children, pupils, teenagers and students. This target group is connected by a common channel, the smartphone. With our app you collect points when you are at home. In a ranking list you can yourself with your fellow players. The idea is designed to reward those who have the most points because they stayed home the longest time. With our idea, teachers, family members or the state can offer any kind of reward to motivate users to stay at home during the Stay-Home call.
What it does
With Homewins we support the call "Stay-Home" with a gamification approach. The idea is simple: you collect points when you are at home. In a ranking list you can yourself with your fellow players. The idea is designed to reward those who have the most points because they stayed home the longest time. With our idea, teachers, family members or the state can offer any kind of reward to motivate users to stay at home during the Stay-Home call.
How I built it
In the course of the hackathon we are building a mobile app. The app is based on the Google Framework Flutter (dart), which allows us to develop on iOs and on Android with a common code base. We rely on a server-client architecture to store and synchronize the login data and points. The server is written with the Django framework (python) and runs in a docker container.
Challenges I ran into
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
We propose a working prototype.
What I learned
Teamwork is always great.
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