
Our grandparents had to make multiple trips to the store and kept leaving almost empty-handed.

What it does

A live-updating platform that shares the status of grocery store items and allows users to check to see what is in stock at different stores to optimize their trips.

How I built it

I built it using Python, the Flask framework, google places and maps API, and the uszipcode python package.

Challenges I ran into

While building the app as the sole developer, I found it difficult to implement all the features I wanted to, especially considering the time constraint. For example, I was unable to complete the submission framework for people to report the current status of grocery stores.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I am proud of the use of the google places API in order to locate surrounding grocery stores in an organized way using just a zip code. I am also satisfied with how the interactive map is seamlessly integrated with the results list.

What I learned

I learned how to use the Flask web framework effectively, incorporate google maps and places API, and to integrate designs from the UI/UX designer in Figma.

What's next for goodspaces

A mobile web-app to allow for more accessibility to the product for those on the go. A notification system to encourage use whenever a user is in a grocery store or when one of their requests gets fulfilled. Integrated social sharing to increase traffic and incentive to use the product.

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