
Imagine a world without a teacher, doctor, a nurse, an entrepreneur, developer, caregiver, researcher, a handyman etc., now just imagine a world without all this, imagine a world of clueless illiterates faced with this pandemic. Would humanity have survived? All these people exist because of education (all/any form of learning and transfer of knowledge) and even so, we're short of them and we need more of them... The importance of educating the world cannot be overemphasized and we can only do that by ensuring everyone is opportune to get at least the necessary basic education for them to successfully maximize their passion to whatever level they desire, we can only do that by ensuring the funds and resources are available for them to do so. To this I thought up fundmytuition, a platform meant for students/institutions to get funding or exclusive scholarships, tutor and be tutored online, organizations to find budding talents, researchers can get funding to successfully fund their research, who knows where the next effective, minimal side effect, tested and trusted medication to all these viruses (including COVID-19) may be birthed. If we do not create an opportunity for such we would never know

What it does

  • Students can source for Tuition fund/Platform exclusive scholarships
  • Students/tutors can mentor online and earn income based on their skills
  • Users can shop for school supplies and either pay or post it for funding
  • Institution and Researchers can source for project, event or research funds
  • Organizations can Search/fund budding talents
  • Educators can raise fund to educate a community or any educational project

How I built it

Challenges I ran into

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

What I learned

What's next for fundmytuition

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