Getting tested for COVID-19 is a challenge due to limited testing kits and health care systems getting overwhelmed with patients. There is a population of people who also experiences some of the symptoms (or even asymptomatic) but are often overlooked and less prioritized to undergo testing.
What it does
FindTheCluster collects geolocated data of symptoms, analyze clusters, predict outbreaks and avoid community infection. Data collected can be queried or applied with machine learning technologies to identify probable community infection or predict an outbreak based on patterns or historical data.
- Geolocated symptoms - Plot out all symptoms in a map and identify clusters. Have you ever wondered if all occupants within the building you live in are also experiencing persistent cough?
- Privacy secured - No personally identifiable information will be stored. We just need sampling based on the responses. Postcode, age group, or gender would be good enough, i think.
- Third-party Integration - integrate with existing health systems through our API. If you own a product, we encourage to integrate (and anonymize) your data.
How do we collect data
- Survey - Crowdsourcing can be explored especially on an outbreak. Request a survey (or through a risk assessment tool). They need to report any symptoms they have especially if it's Covid-19 related. Even if it's just a cough.
- API integration - Enable third-party apps from health care systems to integrate their data.
- Provide the data to government to run more targeted testing on identified clusters.
- More information dissemination or resources to be deployed to the identified clusters.
- Provides awareness to occupants of the identified clusters.
To make FindTheCluster a success, there are a few applications that needs to be built and supported:
- Survey App - A simple survey that collects information about symptoms. This can simply just a web form to start with.
- API - The APIs needed to capture the data from the survey app. This also enables third-party surveys and applications to integrate their data
- Dashboard - Visualize the collected data
Call for help
We need contributors on the following areas:
- Design (Survey form and Dashboard needs design work)
- Copywriter
- Frontend or ReactJS engineers (building survey form, data capture)
- API development (for integrations with the frontend or other platforms)
- Data scientists (to make sense of the data collected, clustering, building models, prediction)
- Data engineers (storing data, streams, warehousing, etc)
- Funding for hosting or servers
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