
The country wide lockdown in India due to COVID-19 has made it difficult for people to get essential commodities/groceries without gathering around stores.

What it does

Allows people to share their list of essentials/groceries needed with the local stores around their residence. When the store indicates that the order is ready, a person can go and pickup their order. Delivery concept is TBD as it is based on the availability of store personnel willing to deliver.

Looking for team that could help me build this.

Initial thoughts

For the customer:

  • Provide a form to enter the commodity and quantity, with an 2-3 stores in the neighborhood.
  • Forward the list to the stores using texts or whatsapp (twilio API) - this will also create an order number.
  • The store can mark the order as ready to pickup - notifies the customer.
  • Customer can go pickup the order.
  • Order receipt an be used to show the cops as purpose of travel.

For the store:

  • Stores register themselves.
  • Can see a list of orders and mark them as ready.

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