Share information and challenge to create a simulator.
What it does
The users can navigate between a lot of charts to follow the progress. It's possible to select a lot of countries and compare them with others.
The simulator allows you to edit some parameters and check (in real-time) the spread of the virus.
How I built it
With bootstrap, Rest API and angular8. I use echarts to create the charts.
Challenges I ran into
The principal challenge was to find accurate data. Another one was learning to create simulator, so I used some game development skills (rudimentary)
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
A full working website totally free to use. It's available to all persons in the world!
I create a simulator with some editable parameters to check the spread of the virus on 2 cases, with quarantine and without.
What I learned
Good layout. A good display of information. A lot of echarts options. Game development.
What's next for #covid19 world progression
Machine learning... forecasting... improve performance on simulator.
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