
In the light of COVID-19, Michele and I have been asking each other “how can we help?”, “what can we do to help?”, “How can we protect our loved ones?”

We decided to work on “Contact Tracing”. The concept is simple - if we get infected, we want to be able to notify family, friends, and everyone we’ve seen in the past two weeks (or even past month) as quickly as possible, likewise. So everyone can act appropriately, either get tested or stay isolated.

It all started in our 39sqm flat in London - our weekend hack (which has already taken weekends and weekdays).

What it does

Immediately notify users' direct and indirect contacts when they tested positive / show symptoms / are in quarantine

How I built it

Frontend is a React.js app that uses Firebase for auth, Firebase Functions to send SMS, and database to store public profiles.

Backend is a neo4j graph database. API is at graphql layer running on Google Cloud. We're pretty much there, we just have a load of new and exciting features to complete.

Challenges I ran into

Storing the data in a graph was tricky, but now that the API up it's fun playing with graph data. So much work to do! and we want to get it out as fast as we can.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

  • We've managed to finish the backend graphql api.
  • 70% of the frontend is done.
  • £1,000 credit from neo4j
  • £500 credit from Digitalocean

What I learned

It's not something you can do in a weekend (original intention)

What's next for "Contact Tracing"

Sending SMS via Twillio and emails.

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