So many self-employed individuals are on hold with their business due to Corona virus. Big corporates and startups work together remotely using different applications, such us Skype, Zoom or Teams. However, for self-employed (who don’t have the digital expertise), no tool is in place to connect with their customers, who are very often not digitally educated. We want that people do not only work from home, but we want them to continue their everyday live and important sessions at the same.
What it does
ActivityClass – Easy to use web-based video communication platform for anyone who is self-employed and cannot connect to his or her customers or patients (e.g. physical therapists to help with physical recovery, or private student tutors). The platform can as well be used by any other individual who is in search for a quick solution to meet with a peer, without needing to install a client.
How we built it
We kicked it off early Saturday morning, after we formed the team • Luuk the technical genius who build the back & front end over night – he is aweseome! • Stefan the product guy who drafted the MVP from top of his head • Oliver the market guy who called up potential customers to really understand the pain points
Challenges we ran into
Finding and integrating the right APIs and make them all work together in short time. Validating the idea by, calling many friends & potential customers (on the weekend) was quite challenging but in the end rewarding. Loosing committed team contribution on the way And time challenges, but that’s what a hackathon is about
Accomplishments that we are proud of
We built a functional prototype that works within 24h, drafted the business concept and more importantly, formed a great founding team to make this idea a success story!
What we learned
Creativeness, speed and commitment only comes with the following: 1) We all believe in the greater purpose of our doing 2) We focused on creating one puzzle piece for helping mitigate some consequences of the Corona crisis 3) With the right team you can move mountains
What's next for ActivityClass
We want to go big right away. We are committed and we want that our work has impact! With the support of the community and #WirvsVirus we want to quickly launch this product and make it accessible to everyone in need, in Germany and globally!
Built With
- amazon-web-services
- auth0
- auth0-api
- bootstrap
- finalcutprox
- javascript
- node.js
- react
- ruby
- twilio
- typescript
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