Inspiration To see young high school leavers securing jobs with their talented skills.since there is no other platform like this here in kenya thats keeps me 100% motivated to do more and more different.

What it does It will help to link employer with the tasker of any kind of jobs since it has a room of all professionalism.

How I built it Ibuild it with Cms and Php by drawing DFD first then visionalised the idea.

Challenges I ran into Getting trusted employers to register with and the level of education and technology

Accomplishments that I'm proud of Am proud that i made it successful and it working well.(Website making deals with prominent companies)

What I learned Hardwork,sacrifice and persistent is what make the founder more prouder.

What's next for All professions We awill be opening office around all counties in kenya and try to get to East african nations then later cover the whole world our plan for one year or a year and half maybe.

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