
I am a co-founder and CEO of Lympo. Lympo, an app used by 400.000 users in the EU, USA and S.Korea, motivates healthy lifestyle, namely answering health related survey questions, reading relevant healthy lifestyle information and then answering quiz questions and recording daily health metrics such as the number of hours slept, water intake, steps, heart rate etc. via a fun, gamified and engaging rewards engine. Lympo users get points for entering the information, answering survey questions, monitoring their healthy lifestyle related data, remembering the material provided in the app and then can spend these points in the in-app shop for various discounts codes and free products. This tool ensures high engagement rates and consistent data patterns. When the corona crisis hit I understood that our business is going to loose all or most revenue from our B2B corporate wellness tool as our customers have more pressing issues now. And I also understood that our app has something very valuable that we can use in the face of this huge new challenge. So, we did a pivot in 4 days.

What it does

Lympo solution to tackle corona crisis includes these elements: • Daily surveys on the virus symptoms: questions like “Do you have fever?”, “Are you coughing?”, “Do you have dry cough?”, “Where you in touch with any person who tested positive for corona virus?”, “Did you travel to these particular countries over the last 14 days?” etc. • Daily health tasks for virus prevention including the WHO recommendations to wash hands at least once in two hours, i.e. a task to wash hands 6x a day, a task to measure body temperature twice a day, a task to ventilate the rooms at least 3 times a day etc. These tasks are done by data input by the users and while, of course, we cannot ensure that they have been completed by the person, our data and experience with 400.000 users shows that daily reminders work and users report behavioural change due to the fact that they are more aware of the requirements for healthy lifestyle, in this case, virus protection measures. • Daily email and SMS notification service for those who might be at risk due to the data that they entered with the recommendations on what to do next and the national corona virus contacts for health assistance. For example: “You have reported fever, cough and travelling to the X country. You are suggested to contact your doctor via phone and discuss these symptoms. In case you are unsure whom to contact, please call this number: xxxxxxxx.” • Daily email and SMS notification service for those who do not complete daily health tasks for virus prevention. This information would also include the information why this particular action is so important. For example: “You only have reported washing hands twice today. Health experts recommend to do this more often to prevent spreading the virus and save other people from contracting it. Please make sure you wash your hands more often and remember to do it for at least 20 seconds.” • The data exchange platform open for researchers and governments would be able to provide the anonymised bulk data with the information gathered by the app which also includes geolocation data. This data can be used for following purposes: - matched with the information of the virus spread for oversight, - shared with healthcare facilities, - used for planning, - used to detect more precise diagnostics, - ask about the effectiveness of new treatment methods. Lympo USP is a high engagement rate due to the gamified and rewarding data collection experience. • In-app shop where our users can spend the points collected by using the app on the discounts from local businesses. This way, we can drive customers to businesses and ensure new ways for marketing and customer acquisition in the face of the financial crisis.

How I built it

FRONT-END: React native, Firebase, facebook SDK, Google SDK, Apple Health kit, Samsung Health SDK, Google Fit API, Transistorsoft Geolocation, BACKEND: Lympo platform API (our own): Nodejs, GraphQl, Swarm, Docker, Ansibel, MongoDb, Clickhouse, SQL, Nats, Apache Kafka, CloudFlare

Challenges I ran into

In order to keep the app fun and motivating we cannot ask 20 questions every day. At the same time, we have to segment the users and show the content and future surveys that are relevant for them. For example, the content relevant for pregnant women is different than that for people with diabetes etc. We decided that we collect a basic user profile over the period of 3-5 days with a small portion of questions every day and at the same time we have four key corona symptoms that we ask about every single day and provide information depending on the answers.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I am proud of my team that in the face of the high uncertainty regarding the future of the company (and their jobs) mobilised and worked all weekend long to make sure that we manage to pivot our app. I am also proud of the doctors working in the Lithuanian corona hotline who found time to work with us to ensure that all the app content is approved by the biggest hospital and health research facility in Lithuania, Kauno klinikos. Finally, I am proud that the municipality of the city of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, agreed to implement this solution as early as next week (starting March 23) and showed so much support. I believe that any solutions that we come up with have to be of a superior UX and engaging to ensure consistent data patterns. I am very proud that our app is so beautiful and have amazing UX.

What I learned

I learned that in the times of a crisis all organisations (big hospitals, municipalities) are able to make fast and efficient decisions under the time pressure.

What's next for 031_Digitale Krankheitsanamnese_Lympo

This app will be launched in Lithuania next week. My goal is to expand it to Germany as soon as possible, because we have a solution that works and a team and technology that can handle hundreds of thousands of users.

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