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Wie kann man sich digital verbunden fühlen?
Wir ermöglichen der älteren Generation den Zugang zu neuen Medien und Kommunikationskanälen indem wir die physische und digitale Welt verbinden
Erkunde die Welt von deiner Wohnung aus mit deinem Totem und schließe dich mit Menschen aus aller Welt zusammen. Eine Ausgangssperre hindert uns nicht daran, füreinander da zu sein!
Kaffeebohne trotz Sperrzone!
Zusammenbringen von Personen auf der Grundlage von Geolokationen ohne Austausch von Kontaktdaten (geolokationsbasierte Chatrooms)
Bringing the classic arcade game into the 21st century.
Your faithful listener
A companion app for Zoom so teachers can get reactions from students in non verbals ways, allowing for a more effective classroom experience
Create an environment for students where they feel comfortable interacting.
Find a space and find a buddy to study with in NYU!
Using video entertainment in the place of anesthetics
A solution that utilizes camera and distance sensor data to help the visually impaired navigate by detecting objects and providing directions.
Are you ready to hack the bot? Use our chat to see if you can tell the difference between a human and a bot!
Wholesale Cannabis & Hemp Exchange Platform
You don't have to copy-paste foreign text into Google translate anymore! You can instantly translate messages and send it to anyone on this planet as long as they are on a same channel as you are.
This system provides a tool for users to manage their stress better. With the MyoWare sensor, our system allows users to be notified when they are stressed based on the tension held in their hands.
A social deception game based on culture and art.
It amazes me sometimes.
Making the world closer, fifteen minutes at a time
Eliminating barriers to therapy, both socially and mentally.
A graphical representation of mental health in universities across America based on college confession pages.
The project is devoted to the development of robot whose basic technologies can be adapted with minimal efforts to support human beings in a wide array of applications.
Using a combination of dice rolling and MadLibs type word generation, create a hook for a randomized adventure!
Help Stemmy the flower by adding together randomized dice in a web-hosted math minigame!