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Ompi ist ein inklusives Kommunikationstool, dass ältere Menschen in das digitale Netzwerk von Familie, Freund*innen und Pfleger*innen integriert - ganz Smartphone
Einfaches Portal für Lehrer, online live Unterricht abzuhalten ohne lange Einarbeitungszeit
Abfrage von vorhandenen Produkten in Supermärkten anhand von User Erfahrungen/Berichten.
Eine Drucker/Scanner-Kombi die in eine Telegramgruppe eingebunden ist und Bilder aus der Gruppe direkt druckt. So können ältere Menschen an der digitalen Kommunikation mit ihrer Familie teilhaben
Wir bauen eine Malmaschine, die unkontrolliert malt, es sei denn, die User malen dagegen!
A 3 layer interface (user filled, preliminary testing, diagnosis for potential infection) that filters down the crowding of hospitals and clinics, speeds up testing
Kinder haben ein Recht auf Bildung! Aber nicht alle sind für das Homeschooling ausgerüstet. Wir schaffen Grundvoraussetzungen für die Teilhabe am Unterricht, indem wir Kinder mit Hardware ausstatten.
Senkt das Infektionsrisiko durch Vermeidung von Menschenmassen
A Network-Attached-Storage Server using Raspberry Pi and OpenMediaVault that helps users to store and stream data online.
What if we used Edge Analytics on a dashcam to map out where potholes were, so that local governments and communities knew where to focus their efforts?
Stop your bad habits one ridiculous paper ball at a time
Reimagine outdoor safety and sustainability with Limestone--a digital entry/exit log stationed in the wilderness with immediate rescue response when call out times are missed.
Automated postbox which notifies owner of new mail.
ball in ball out
Punctuality is hard. Is it people's fault? No, it's clearly the alarm. Boomba is an alarm you can trust; the alarm that never leaves you, or your neighbours, sleeping more than absolutely neccessary
The Motion Controlled Media Player uses ultrasonic sensors to detect motion of users hands to allow them to control media software without physical contact.
HOWL uses machine learning to manipulate coyote behaviour for the purposes of coyote population control. HOWL seeks to save farmers and taxpayers millions and protect suburbs.
Just your friendly neighborhood robot trash man
Detects atopic eczema in babies. Used by 3rd-world midwifery nurses.
I want everyone to be able to schedule the day without any delay due to the lack of parking spots
Care Wheel
We have created an innovative home system that tracks and helps you with just about anything you want. AriaHome will be able to ensure there are no resources wasted.
Automatically separate trash and recycling using computer vision and track all statistics remotely.
Knock the other one out with tactics, paper, and bins.