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Would you like to contribute to prevent the number of COVID-19 infections from increasing? The app would offer people a way to buy food and pantry from home, free for small and medium-sized stores
As a developer, you can’t avoid using GitHub or another Git-based tool on a daily basis as part of your work. It’s used to either host your code or to collaborate on other people’s code.
WE PROVIDE: Innovative Access to Opportunities - To help navigating through complex and vast amounts of data! Fast Data Filtering and Selection - To find what you need within less than ten questions!
We will optimize the distribution of remaining spots in hospitals for pressure-targeted ventilation
Potentielle Helfer benötigen eine leicht zugängliche Schnittstelle und eine leicht konsumierbare Erklärung, damit sie wissen wie sie ihrer lokalen Tafel konkret helfen können.
Dieses Team entwickelt ein Web basiertes Ticketsystem für das digitale Wartezimmer. Jeder kennt die Situation - stundenlanges Ausharren im übervollen Wartezimmer, das erhöht die Ansteckungsgefahr.
An interactive website to see the effect of social distancing on the case predictions for the situation in your region
Du befindest Dich in Isolation? Dir fällt die Decke auf den Kopf? Du fühlst dich einsam? Keine Sorge! Stay Bright Inside, mit der #HomeAloneChallenge App! #wirvsvirus
Epidemiemanagement für Gesundheitsbehörden durch automatisierte Erhebung von Selbstauskünften von bestätigten Quarantänefällen und Verdachtspersonen inkl Echtzeitdaten und Exportfunktion
Wie ein Pubquiz, nur virtueller.
Wir bieten eine Plattform (Web/App) an, auf der die Risikogruppe, die momentan nicht einkaufen kann, Einkaufszettel anlegen kann und Hilfsbereite die Einkäufe übernehmen können.
Users enjoy celebrating their most important moments in life with family and friends. This bot helps to take the menu orders offered by the restaurant to provide quality of service to customers
People in developing countries suffer due to intermittent availability of crucial utility like piped water supply and electricity. Utilbot aims to have issues get reported easier and solved quicker.
A chatbot that responds based on the reviews given by past travellers, which in turn facilitates the users in decision-making before visiting a point of interest.
TLTR is a python based project that reads "Terms and Conditions" inputted by the user and generate a score based on how invasive the terms are for the user.
An open-source platform for users to create, use, and request tutorials for languages and frameworks.
ASL Vision uses Google Cloud Computer Vision API to interpret American Sign Language.
A media streaming platform that allows people to stream video or audio without the need to download anything or make an account.
A visualization of the user’s decisions as a generated planet with tips to increase an area of growth.A lifestyle app promoting eco-friendly actions, wellness & self-care routines, & studying habits. is a web application that combines community effort and friendly competition to encourage our users to regularly contribute to the greater good!
I wanted to see more dimensions,
Public facing environmental impact tracker for small businesses. We used coffee shops as a proof of concept. Includes visual representations of data. takes the user's location and issues a call to the openweathermap API to gather climate data. The data is checked against a database to find ideal plants for the user's garden.
Your one-stop shop for everything internship and entry-level.