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A watch which prevents you from touching youf ace
Die Verfügbarkeit von Beatmungsgeräten ist ein grosses Problem - wir helfen dass diese Geräte schnell, einfach, robust, sicher gebaut werden können, gerade auch in Ländern ohne Hightech Industrie.
fluorescence solution
Our global waste production is predicted to rise by 70 per cent by 2050 and one of the basic issues with this is waste segregation. This project automates this process using Machine Learning.
Drowsiness and atention monitor for driving. Also detects objects at the blind spot via Pytorch-powered Computer Vision and the NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
The PPM senses different environmental factors that can pose danger to our health and allows for near real time access to the user so the right precautions can be made.
When sparking a lamp is akin to sparking a relationship
Protect yourself, or get burned (by the sun)
A hardware program to make exercising into an experience!
Reading should be as easy as the touch of a button.
AR game integrating Arduino controls
App that informs road maintenance companies which specific regions of the city require snow removal the most
Assist people with visual disabilities. To help integrate people with disabilities,.
A Stove that Worries for You
Using accelerometers, Silk Road evaluates driver smoothness and can be integrated with ride-hailing apps to allow customers to choose a smoother driver, crucial for seniors or those with car sickness.
Wearable IoT device that uses a user's pulse to detect panic attacks
A proof of concept device to switch between measuring different samples.
ball in ball out
Punctuality is hard. Is it people's fault? No, it's clearly the alarm. Boomba is an alarm you can trust; the alarm that never leaves you, or your neighbours, sleeping more than absolutely neccessary
Fitness App for complete beginners
If the ground is too muddy, a skidloader will sink, get stuck, and send mud everywhere, the TSI will test if the ground is too soft to send the skidloader out, saving landscapers time.
Just your friendly neighborhood robot trash man
The Traffic System of the Future...