#CodeVsCovid19 Online The world's brightest tech enthusiasts contribute to fight the current COVID-19 crisis. $5,000 in prizes Submissions open soon 245 participants
CLEVER Company Košice, Slovakia Create a company knowledge base model and prototype to improve better service delivery. €5,300 in prizes Feb 3 – Mar 31, 2020 15 participants
Rising Waters - FEMA Hackathon for Flood Risk & Insurance Philadelphia, PA, USA In times of increased flooding, how can we best convince people (especially in coastal areas) to get flood insurance? Non-monetary prizes Apr 2, 2020 6 participants
FlightHax II Kitchener, Canada Create solutions that help the RCAF's Search and Rescue crews save lives $2,000 in prizes Apr 2, 2020 5 participants
RidgeHacks Basking Ridge, NJ, USA RidgeHacks is a beginner friendly hackathon, open to all students from middle-school through college. Swag, prizes, food and mentors! Non-monetary prizes Apr 4, 2020 18 participants
LEGO® Devops Hackathon Budapest, Hungary The LEGO® Devops Hackathon is a brand new initiative for the best Devops Engineers to piece software together. $3,000 in prizes Apr 4, 2020 5 participants
BridgeHacks Featured Milpitas, CA, USA Building a bridge to a better world! $3,924 in prizes Apr 4, 2020 5 participants
Hack the Crisis Australia Online Hack The Crisis Australia is hosting a 48 Hour Virtual Hackathon to find solutions that improve life, health and wellness amidst the COVID19 outbreak. $500 in prizes Submissions open soon 31 participants
COVID-19 Global Church Hackathon Featured Online 8-Day Online Hackathon to Solve Global Church Challenges in the Midst of COVID-19 Non-monetary prizes Submissions open soon 310 participants